Gaming Benchmarks
Gaming Benchmarks
Once again, we're only using the triple-monitor setup for testing dual-GPU cards because the single-GPU offerings cannot handle 5760x1080.
Because the drivers are, in fact, a little older, we ran the Ares II and EVGA GeForce GTX 690 (which we still had on-hand) using the very latest software from both companies to confirm our findings. Gladly, there's wasn't much of a difference. In fact, the delta was small enough in these older titles that we're comfortable chalking them up to normal variation. Now, had we folded something like Tomb Raider or BioShock Infiniteinto the suite, we would have run into trouble.
As is, our benchmarks consistently show the Ares II inching out HIS' Radeon HD 7970 X2. Again, Asus' exhibition card doesn't just have an edge on paper, but also in the real world (more so because Asus managed to ship a few; HIS didn't).
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